
A Flat Earther ‘Realizes He’s Wrong’ at a Moment That Is Unable to Explain

Scientists and innumerable investigations have repeatedly refuted the flat Earth theory. In a humorous and enlightening

Interaction that left his interviewer stunned, a man who was adamantly in favor of the flat Earth idea felt very humiliated.

Conspiracy theories that claim Earth is flat rather than the spherical shape we’ve been taught since we were little have been circulating for years.

But in spite of these assertions, the flat Earth theory has been thoroughly demolished by a number of researchers and scientists.

Professor Brian Cox famously said, “There is absolutely no basis at all for thinking the world is flat.” “Nobody in human history, as far as I know, has thought the world was flat.”

“The Earth’s radius was measured by the Greeks. I find it hard to understand why someone would believe that the world is flat.